12 Days of Christmas Quiz – Day 11

Scripture Enigma No 3
Who sold a field, with all that it contained?
Where by St. Paul was sacrifice restrained?
The second name of him who sold his Lord?
Who, in a storm, said “Cast me overboard?”
What woman’s prayers went up by day and night?
City where Caleb did with giants fight?

Initials letters, now, and finals, name
Two prophets who
With heavy tidings came,
A prophecy of punishment to bring,
One to a good, one to an evil king.

Answer tomorrow in the comments.

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  1. Answer to Scripture Enigma No. 3

    Elijah – 1 Kings xxi. 17-19. – Nathan, 2 Sam. xii. 7-10.

    E – phro – N ….. Gen. xxiii. 16-18.
    L – ystr – A ….. Acts xiv. 8-18.
    I – scario – T ….. Matt. xxvi. 11-16.
    J – ona – H ….. Jonah i. 7-12.
    A – nn – A ….. Luke ii. 36, 37.
    H – ebro – N ….. Jos. xv. 13, 14; Deut. ix. 2.

  2. Did you get your “Enigma” from “The Sunday At Home?” I have a copy and just posted number 1 on my blog yesterday. I notice you’re having as much luck as I am. 🙂

  3. Oh, that’s funny. I just noticed that you posted this a year ago! I was Googling “Scripture Enigma” and your blog turned up.

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