12 Days of Christmas Quiz – Day 10

12 Days of Christmas Quiz – Day 10

Scripture Character No. 3
1. He received many commands from God, all of which he faithfully obeyed.
2. He and his family left their home, to which they never returned.
3. He was “just” and “perfect.”
4. His father spoke of “the ground which the Lord hath cursed.”
5. We are told the names of his children, but not of his wife.
6. He was “moved with fear.”
7. His name is mentioned by Isaiah, Ezekiel, Paul, Peter, and by our Lord.

Answer tomorrow in the comments.

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One Comment

  1. Answer to Scripture Character No. 3

    (1) Gen. vi. 14, 22; vii. 1, 7; viii. 15-18; (2) vii. 7; (3) vi. 9: (4) v. 28, 29; (5) 32; (6) Heb. xi. 7; (7) Isaiah liv. 9; Ezek. xiv. 4; Heb. xi. 7; 2 Peter ii. 5; Matt. xxiv. 37.

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