Categories: Biblical Studies

12 Days of Christmas Quiz – Day 4

Scripture Verse. No. 1

1. This verse describes a journey very unwillingly undertaken.
2. The unwilling traveller was one of a large company, but he parted from all his companions on arriving at his destination.
3. When he returned the same way it was on a sad errand, and with a large attendance.
4. People of three different nationalities are mentioned in the verse.
5. One of the persons named makes enquiry afterwards for “men of activity.” He had very large property in land.
6. Another, who was very handsome, once made use of this expression, “Am I in the place of God?”
7. A business transaction is described in the verse.
8. A military office of some importance is also mentioned.
9. One of the persons named, though a heathen, received “the blessing of the Lord” on his house.
10. Some of the people mentioned had just come from a country named in Jer. viii.; their great ancestor had been promised Divine blessing and God was with him as a child. He had married a wife from the country named in this verse and his sons had towns and castles.
11. Quantities of golden earrings were taken, years after, from the descendants of these people.
12. The country spoken of is compared by Jeremiah to “a very fair heifer.” The same prophet also threatens the destruction of its idol-temples with fire. Isaiah prophesies woe to it, but foretells that in the end its people “shall know the Lord.”
13. The grandfather of one of the persons named in the verse was forbidden to go into this country.
14. The verse is the first in a chapter, and contains thirty-three words, six being proper names.

Answer in the comments tomorrow.


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