12 Days of Christmas Quiz – Day 5
12 Days of Christmas Quiz – Day 5
A City of Scripture No. 2
1. A fugitive passed through this city, when flying for his life.
2. Another fugitive started from it.
3. It was in the inheritance of Simeon.
4. Two defenceless travellers were once in great distress close by it.
5. A large party of travellers came there and offered sacrifices to God.
6. A grove was planted there.
7. A patriarch lined there.
S. Another patriarch saw a vision there.
9. A well was dug there.
Answer in the comments tomorrow.
Rob, is the city Bersheba?
Answer to City of Scripture No 2
1. 1 Kings xix. 1-4.
2. Gen. xxvii. 42-45; xxviii. 10.
3. Jos. xix. 1, 2.
4. Gen. xxi. 14, 15.
5. Gen. xlvi. 1.
6. Gen. xxi. 33.
7. Gen. xxii. 19.
8. Gen. xlvi. 1, 2.
9. Gen. xxvi. 32, 33.