An Introduction to the Narrative Parables of Jesus by Stephen I. Wright

An Introduction to the Narrative Parables of Jesus by Stephen I. Wright

I am very pleased to be able to offer a free download of the Rev. Dr. Stephen I. Wright’s book on the parables: Tales Jesus Told. This in-copyright work has been digitised and uploaded with the author’s permission. Stephen Wright explores the purpose and effect of Jesus’ parables by reading them contextually against their cultural,…

Pulpit and People: Essays in Honour of William Still

Pulpit and People: Essays in Honour of William Still

This interesting collection of essays has been digitised my kind permission of the publisher and editors. It includes contributions by James Philip, David F. Wright, I. Howard Marshall, Sinclair B. Ferguson and more. The essays cover subjects such as preaching, the Bible, ministry, the psychology of inner healing, infant baptism and the problem of apostasy…

Pentateuchal Criticism Today

Pentateuchal Criticism Today

Today’s free book is a very useful introduction to the documentary hypothesis by T. Desmond Alexander of Union Theological College, Belfast. This in-copyright title has been uploaded by kind permission of the author and is free to use for educational purposes. T. Desmond Alexander, Pentateuchal Criticism Today: A Guidebook for Beginners. RTSF Monographs. Leicester: Religious…