Theology on the Web is Seventeen

Decorative image

It is 17 years since the first of the Theology on the Web sites, went on-line.

Here is a quick summary of what has been achieved just in the last year across the seven websites.

  • 1.8  million visitors, that’s just over 5,000 each day
  • More than 35,000 theological articles and books are now available for free download
  • Material from almost 100 theological journals is available, from table of contents to complete text of every article
  • 5.8 Terabytes of this material have been downloaded
  • China and India are both in the top five countries for visitor numbers
  • All sites now included in the e-Granary Project, which sends their entire contents on disk into Universities with little or no Internet access around the world
  • Open Access Commentary Survey Project launched
  • 7 regular financial supporters – two up on last year

A big “Thank You” to all who have helped to make this possible.

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