Apocalypse depicted in Christian Orthodox traditional fresco scenes in Osogovo Monastery

New Century Bible Commentary on Revelation – G.R. Beasley-Murray

Today’s free book is George Beasley-Murray’s New Century Bible Commentary on the Book of Revelation. This in-copyright work has been digitised by permission of the Rev Dr. Paul Beasley-Murray. G.R. Beasley-Murray [1916-2000], Revelation. The New Century Bible Commentary, rev. edn. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans / London: Marshall, Morgan & Scott, 1992. Pbk. ISBN: 0802818854. pp.352. [Click…

The Roman provinces of Asia Minor under Trajan, including Galatia

New Century Bible Commentary on Galatians – Donald Guthrie

Today’s free book is Donald Guthrie’s New Century Bible Commentary on Galatians. This in-copyright book has been digitised with the permission of Dr. Guthrie’s family. Donald Guthrie [1916-1992], Galatians. The New Century Bible Commentary. London: Marshall, Morgan & Scott, 1974. Pbk. ISBN: 0551005459. pp.164. [Click here to visit the download page for this title] Table…

Tower of Babel

Handbook of Biblical Difficulties by Robert Tuck

Today’s free book is Robert Tuck’s Handbook of Bible Difficulties. It would be an interesting project to compare Tuck’s solutions for those challenging biblical passages with those of Gleason L. Archer Jr’s, in his Encyclopedia of Biblical Difficulties. This public domain titles was digitised using a copy of the book kindly provided by Book Aid….