Faith and Thought Journal on-line

Faith and Thought is the continuation of the Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute. It contains a number of historically important articles on the interaction of science and Christianity. Significant contributors to the journal include Profs. Leon Morris, Kenneth Kitchen, F.F. Bruce, David Bebbington and I. Howard Marshall. My thanks to the Victoria…

Complete Run of Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute

I first began digitising the Transactions of the Victoria Institute about 13 years ago. Over the years I gradually added articles which had entered the public domain and those for which I could get the author’s permission. The project took a major step forward in 2018 when Tyndale House library gave me their set and…

Book Review: Can We Trust the Gospels by Peter J. Williams

The writings of Dr Bart Ehrman have undoubtedly had a very negative effect on the faith of many. It is widely reported that many young Christians, exposed to his teachings, have abandoned their faith by the time that they graduate from Colleges or University. Christian scholars have responded with numerous books offering both answers to…