
Leon Morris on Apocalyptic

The following book is now available on-line in PDF:

Leon Morris, Apocalyptic, 2nd edn. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans / Leicester: IVP, 1973. Pbk. ISBN: 0851113125. pp.128.

Thanks to the kind permission of the Leon & Mildred Morris Foundation I am pleased to be able to rescue this helpful little book from obscurity and make it available to a new generation of students. As Leon Morris writes in his preface:

This little book is not meant to be a profound or original contribution to a difficult subject. It is written out of two convictions: the one, that apocalyptic is an important part of the background of the New Testament, the other, that it is not well understood by the average student. Indeed, I fear that the average student would be hard put to it to give more than one or two characteristics of this kind of literature. I have written accordingly to help him get the picture. Recog­nizing that experts in apocalyptic differ widely among them­selves and that there are many points of uncertainty, I have tried to show what are the generally held opinions and what are the controverted areas. This then is simply an intro­duction to a very important but little understood part of the background of the New Testament.

Leon Morris

Main image: White Rider from Tolkovy Apocalyps, Moscow, 17th century. Source: Wikipedia.


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