Rick Wadholm Jr. – The Theological Meaning and Significance of Yom in Genesis 1

Rick Wadholm has kindly allowed me to post a PDF of his Master’s Thesis “The Theological Meaning and Significance of Yom in Genesis 1″. Wadholm argues that when we come to interpreting “Yom” we seldom get any further than arguing whether the “days” are literal or figurative. While this [in my opinion] is not unimportant,…

Irish Biblical Studies on-line

For several years I have pursued the opportunity to host Irish Biblical Studies, which was published by Union Theological College [UTC] in Belfast. The list of scholars who have contributed to it over the years is impressive and includes James Dunn, C.E.B. Cranfield, Dale C. Allison, Jr., David Gooding, Ernest Nicholson, Desmond Alexander, A.D.H. Mayes and many…