Jesus Christ

James MacKinnon’s The Historic Jesus online

Today’s free book is James MacKinnon’s study of the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. My thanks to Book Aid for making a copy of this public domain title available for digitisation.

James MacKinnon [1860-1945], The Historic Jesus. London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1931. Hbk. pp.407. [Click here to visit the download page for this book]

Table of Contents

  • Preface
  1. The Nativity
    • The Supernatural Generation
    • The Sequel
  2. The Years of Preparation
    • Political and Social Conditions
    • Education and Self-Development
  3. The Advent of Jesus
    • The Forerunner
    • Baptism and Temptation
    • The Beginning of Jesus’ Mission
    • A Judaean Mission?
  4. The Galilean Mission
    • The Course of the Mission
    • Character of the Mission
  5. The Southern Mission
    • On the Way to Jerusalem
    • Jesus and the Pharisees
    • Teaching the Multtude and Disciples
    • The Johannine Supplement
  6. The Last Days at Jerusalem
    • The Advent of the Mission
    • Final Encounter with Religious Leaders
    • The Son of Man
  7. Farewell
    • Betryael and Last Supper
    • The Jiohannine Version
  8. The End
    • Arrest and Inquest
    • Trial and Crucifixion
  9. The Resurrection of Jesus
    • Spiritual or Bodily?
    • Reality of the Resurrection
  10. The Master
    • His Originality
    • God and the Kingdom of God
    • The New Righteousness
    • Jesus and the Law
  11. The Healer
    • The Healing Ministry
    • Method and Means of Healing
    • Credibility of the Healing Ministry
    • The Supernatural Words of Jesus
  12. The Self-Manifestation of Jesus
    • Was Jesus Conscious of Pre-Existence
    • Jesus as Historic Personality
    • Jesus and God
  • Index

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