Where were the nail-prints in Jesus’ hands – in his wrists or his palms?

Where were the nail-prints in Jesus’ hands – in his wrists or his palms?

This question was raised last Saturday during a day conference on biblical archaeology at Tyndale House in Cambridge. Put simply the problem was stated as follows: Crucifixion normally involved nailing the victim to a horizontal beam through the wrist between the radius and the ulna (the two bones of the forearm). The nail was then…

“Interpreting the Word of God: FS for Steven Barabas.” One chapter to go on-line – please help to choose which one

One of my supporters kindly sent me a copy of the following book in the hope that I would be able to place one chapter from it on-line:   Samuel J. Schultz & Morris A. Inch, eds., Interpreting the Word of God. Festschift in honor of Steven Barabas. Chicago: Moody Press, 1976. Hbk. pp.281.  …

Leon Morris on Apocalyptic

Leon Morris on Apocalyptic

The following book is now available on-line in PDF: Leon Morris, Apocalyptic, 2nd edn. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans / Leicester: IVP, 1973. Pbk. ISBN: 0851113125. pp.128. Thanks to the kind permission of the Leon & Mildred Morris Foundation I am pleased to be able to rescue this helpful little book from obscurity and make it available…