Taking the Bible text seriously, in all its various contexts – David Instone-Brewer

Dr David Instone-Brewer has asked me to share this very useful resource: The Bible is an ancient book with timeless wisdom, historical integrity and many puzzles.  When we read it in the context of their lifestyle, literature, and language, the Bible speaks to us like it did to its original audience. When we grasp these contexts,…

Westminster Commentary on Amos by Ernest A. Edghill

This is an exegetical commentary in the Westminster Commentaries series by Ernest A. Edghill. My thanks to Book Aid for making a copy of this public domain title available for digitisation. Ernest Arthur Edghill [d.1912], The Book of Amos with Notes, 2nd edn. Westminster Commentaries. London: Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1926. Hbk. pp.119. [Click to…