New Testament Interpretation: Essays on Principles and Methods

In 1977 Howard Marshall edited a collection of essays on New Testament interpretation contributed by some of the best Evangelical scholars in the UK, many of whom have since gone to their reward, including Marshall himself. The volume has proved to be of enduring value to students, particularly F.F Bruce’s masterful summary of the history of…

Caribbean Journal of Evangelical Theology Vol 12 now on-line

Volume 12 of the Caribbean Journal of Evangelical Theology is now available on-line here. Christopher Newton, “Divine Purpose and Prophecy,” Caribbean Journal of Evangelical Theology 12 (2013): 1-17. Deseree Whittle, “Engaging Rastas,” 18-33. Las G. Newman, “Can Jamaica Be Restored?” 34-47. D.V. Palmer, “New Testament Theology,” 48-92. Gosnell L. Yorke, “A Review of John Paul…