Is Not This the Son of Joseph? Four Studies in the Gospel Infancy Narratives

Is Not This the Son of Joseph? Four Studies in the Gospel Infancy Narratives

Today’s free book is little known study on the infancy narratives by Thomas Walker. My thanks to the folks at the United Reformed Church in Eastcote for their help in tracking down the details of the author. This title was digitised from the copy held in Spurgeon’s College library. Thomas Walker [1881-1950], Is Not This…

2 Volume Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles by Paton J Gloag

2 Volume Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles by Paton J Gloag

Today’s free title is a 2 volume critical and exegetical commentary on the Acts of the Apostles by Paton J. Gloag. Gloag was Professor of Biblical Criticism and Aberdeen University. My thanks to Book Aid for making a copy of this public domain set available for digitisation. Paton James Gloag [1823–1906], A Critical and Exegetical…