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Home Bible Canon › New Testament

Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly Julius A. Brewer, The History of the New Testament Canon in the Syrian ChurchJulius A. Brewer, The History of the New Testament Canon in the Syrian Church. Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press, 2011. ISBN: 9781463231415. [Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly - 10% discount on new subscriptions using this link]
Article in Journal or Book F.F. Bruce, "New Light on the Origins of the New Testament Canon," Richard N Longenecker & Merrill C. Tenney, eds. New Dimensions in New Testament Study. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1974. pp.3-18.
On-line Resource F.F. Bruce, "New Light on the Origin of the New Testament," Faith and Thought 101.2 (1974): 158-162.View in PDF format pdf This is a brief summary of the above article.
On-line Resource F.F. Bruce, "Some Thoughts on the Beginning of the New Testament Canon," Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester 65.2 (Spring 1983): 37-60.View in PDF format pdf
Audio Resource - usually mp3 format Reliability of the New Testament (Donald Burdick) [Right-Click on link and select "save as"]
On-line Resource Maurice Casey, "The Date of the Passover Sacrifices and Mark 14:12," Tyndale Bulletin 48.2 (1997): 245-247.View in PDF format pdf
Book or monograph Childs: The New Testament as CanonBrevard S. Childs, The New Testament as Canon. Trinity Press International, 1994. Pbk. ISBN: 1563380897. pp.608.
On-line Resource The Development of the Canon of the New Testament (Collected and Organized by Glenn Davis)
On-line Resource Wilber T. Dayton, "Factors promoting the formation of the New Testament canon," Bulletin of the Evangelical Theological Society 10.1 (Winter 1967): 28-35.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
On-line Resource Theo Donner, "Some Thoughts on the History of the New Testament Canon," Themelios 7.3 (1982): 23-27.View in PDF format pdf
Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly Hermeneutics, Authority and CanonDavid G. Dunbar, "The Biblical Canon," D. A. Carson & John D. Woodbridge, editors. Hermeneutics, Authority and Canon. Leicester: IVP, 1996. ISBN: 085364716X pp.297-360. Reprinted: Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2005. ISBN: 9781725213470. [Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly - 10% discount on new subscriptions using this link]
Article in Journal or Book D.L. Duncan, "The New Testament Canon in Recent Study," Interpretation 29 (1975): 339-51.
On-line Resource Lewis Foster, "The earliest collection of Paul's Epistles," Bulletin of the Evangelical Theological Society 10.1 (Winter 1967): 44-55.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
Book or monograph Gamble: The New Testament CanonHarry Y. Gamble, The New Testament Canon: Its Making and Meaning. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock Publishers, 2002. Pbk. ISBN: 1579109098. pp.96.
Book or monograph Frederik Willem Grosheide [1881-1972], Some Early Lists of the Books of the New Testament. Leiden: Brill, 1973.
On-line Resource C.R. Hill, "The New Testament Canon: Deconstrustio ad Absurdum," Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 52.1 (March 2009): 101-119.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Colin J. Humphreys & W.G. Waddington, "The Jewish Calendar, a Lunar Eclipse and the Date of Christ's Crucifixion," Tyndale Bulletin 43.2 (1992): 331-351. View in PDF format pdf
Article in Journal or Book David Instone-Brewer, "Jesus's Last Passover: The Synoptics and John," Expository Times 112.4 (2001): 122-123.
On-line Resource Homer A. Kent, Jr., "How We Got Our New Testament," Grace Journal 8.2 (Spring 1967): 22-26.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Brent Kinman, "Pilate's Assize and the Timing of Jesus' Trial," Tyndale Bulletin 42.2 (1991): 282-295. View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Simon Kistemaker, "Canon of the New Testament," Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 20.1 (March 1977): 3-14.View in PDF format pdf
Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly Michael J. Kruger, Canon Revisited. Establishing the Origins and Authority of the New Testament BooksMichael J. Kruger, Canon Revisited. Establishing the Origins and Authority of the New Testament Books. Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books, 2012. ISBN: 9781433530814. [Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly - 10% discount on new subscriptions using this link]
Book or monograph Lienhard: The Bible, the Church, & AuthorityJoseph Lienhard, The Bible, the Church, & Authority: The Canon of the Christian Bible in History & Theology. Liturgical Press, 1995. Pbk. BN: 081465536X. pp.120.
On-line Resource Alan Hugh McNeile [1871-1933], An Introduction to the Study of the New TestamentAlan Hugh McNeile [1871-1933], An Introduction to the Study of the New Testament. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1927. Hbk. pp.478. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
Book or monograph Metzger: The Canon of the New TestamentBruce Metzger, The Canon of the New Testament. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1987. Pbk. ISBN: 0198269544. pp.336.
On-line Resource Roger Nicole, "The Canon Of The New Testament," Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 40.2 (March 1997): 199-206.
On-line Resource Stanley L. Porter, "Pauline Authorship of the Pastoral Epistles: Implications for Canon," Bulletin for Biblical Research 5 (1995): 105-123.View in PDF format pdf
Book or monograph Stanley E. Porter, The Pauline Canon. Pauline Studies, Vol. 1. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, 2004. Hbk. ISBN: 9004138919. Read the publishers brochure View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource E. Randolph Richards, "The Codex and the Early Collection of Paul's Letters," Bulletin for Biblical Research 8 (1998): 151-166.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Herman Ridderbos, "The Canon of The New Testament," Carl F.H. Henry, ed., Revelation and the Bible. Contemporary Evangelical Thought. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1958 / London: The Tyndale Press, 1959. pp.189-201.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
Article in Journal or Book Barry D. Smith, "The Chronology of the Last Supper," Westminster Theological Journal 53.1 (1991): 29-45.
Article in Journal or Book D. Moody Smith, "When Did the Gospels Become Scripture?" Journal of Biblical Literature 119.1 (2000): 3-20.
On-line Resource Alexander Souter [1873-1949], The Text and Canon of the New Testament. London: Duckworth, 1912, 1935. Hbk. pp.254. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
On-line Resource Merrill C. Tenney, "The Canon of the Gospels," Bulletin of the Evangelical Theological Society 10.1 (Winter 1967): 36-43.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
On-line Resource Robert L. Thomas, "Correlation of Revelatory Spiritual Gifts and NT Canonicity," The Master's Seminary Journal 8.1 (Spring 1997): 5-28.View in PDF format pdf
Book or monograph Robert W. Wall & Eugene E. Lemcio, The New Testament as Canon: A Reader in Canorical Criticism. Journal for the Study of the New Testament Supplement Series, No 76. Continuum International Publishing Group - Sheffield Academic Press, 1992. Hbk. ISBN: 1850753741. pp.376.
Article in Journal or Book Geoffrey Wainwright, "The New Testament as Canon," Scottish Journal of Theology 28 (1975): 551-
Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly Robert W. Wall & Eugene Lemcio, The New Testament as Canon. A Reader in Canonical CriticismRobert W. Wall & Eugene Lemcio, The New Testament as Canon. A Reader in Canonical Criticism. London: Bloomsbury Publishing, 1992. ISBN: 9780567523969. [Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly - 10% discount on new subscriptions using this link]
On-line Resource Francis Watson, "Critical Reflections on the Role of the Canon in New Testament Scholarship," New Testament Studies 70.1 (Jan. 2024): 111-124. [Open Access Article]
On-line Resource Brooke Foss Westcott [1825-1901], A General Survey of the History of the Canon of the New Testament, 4th edn. Brooke Foss Westcott [1825-1901], A General Survey of the History of the Canon of the New Testament, 4th edn. London: Macmillan & Co., 1875. Hbk. pp.587. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]

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