Tyndale house Biblical Archaeology Study Group

Professor Alan R. Millard (1937-2024)

I was saddened to hear via Tyndale House of the death of Alan Millard, Rankin Professor Emeritus of Hebrew and Ancient Semitic languages, and Honorary Senior Fellow (Ancient Near East), at the School of Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology (SACE) in the University of Liverpool. I first met Professor Millard whilst working at Liverpool Cathedral and it is no exaggeration to say that he played a significant part in the success of Theology on the Web.

He was the first scholar to give his permission for one of his books (Essays on the Patriarchal Narratives) to be digitised and encouraged other scholars to make their work available online. For some years I have hosted his bibliography on TheologicalStudies.org.uk.

The brief entry on Wikipedia fails to do justice to his huge contribition to the work of Tyndale House in Cambridge or to the wider field of Biblical Studies and Biblical Archaeology. He will be greatly missed.

Main image: Professor Millard (right) at a Tyndale House Biblical Archaeology Study Group at High Leigh Conference Centre.

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