Daniel's Answer to the King by Briton Rivière

Alan R. Millard on the Historical Accuracy of Daniel

In 2012 Crossway published an impressive collection of 21 essays defending the historical reliability of the Bible under the title Do Historical Matters Matter to Faith? The publishers have kindly granted permission for Theology on the Web to host Alan Millard’s contribution to that volume, dealing with the accuracy of Daniel’s account of Babylon: Alan R….

Welch’s The Work of the Chronicler (1939) now available on-line

Welch’s The Work of the Chronicler (1939) now available on-line

Title page Professor Adam C. Welch’s 1938 Schweich Lectures of the British Academy (1938) are now available on-line – the work became public domain on 1st January this year: Adam C. Welch [1864-1943], The Work of the Chronicler: Its Purpose and Its Date. The Schweich Lectures of the British Academy 1938. London: Oxford University Press,…

The Use of the Old Testament in the New and Other Essays now on-line

Duke University Press have kindly allowed me permission to place online all the essays from the following Festschrift: James M. Efird, editor, The Use of the Old Testament in the New and Other Essays: Studies in Honor of William Franklin Stinespring. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1972. ISBN: 0822302888. pp.332. It contains two articles on the use of…

White Rider from Tolkovy Apocalyps, Moscow, 17th century

Leon Morris on Apocalyptic

The following book is now available on-line in PDF: Leon Morris, Apocalyptic, 2nd edn. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans / Leicester: IVP, 1973. Pbk. ISBN: 0851113125. pp.128. Thanks to the kind permission of the Leon & Mildred Morris Foundation I am pleased to be able to rescue this helpful little book from obscurity and make it available…