F.F. Bruce’s Commentary on 1 & 2 Corinthians now online

F.F. Bruce’s Commentary on 1 & 2 Corinthians now online

F.F. Bruce’s commentary on Paul’s first and second letters to the Corinthians in the New Century Bible commentary series is now available online for free download. My thanks to Professor Bruce’s family for their kind permission to make it available for free educational purposes. F.F. Bruce, 1 & 2 Corinthians. The New Century Bible Commentary….

Just published: Unity in the Book of Isaiah, edited by Rossi, Irudayaraj & Hens-Piazza

Just published: Unity in the Book of Isaiah, edited by Rossi, Irudayaraj & Hens-Piazza

I have always been fascinated by the arguments for and against the unity of the book of Isaiah, which many scholars now consider to have been settled in favour of the book’s disunity. The following new title caught my attention as the authors take as their starting point the unity of the book. Benedetta Rossi,…

Gospel of Matthew – H.U. Weitbrecht – Indian Church Commentary

Gospel of Matthew – H.U. Weitbrecht – Indian Church Commentary

Today’s free book is Herbert Udny Weitbrecht’s commentary on the Gospel of Matthew, part of The Indian Church Commentary Series. This title is in the public domain. Herbert Udny Weitbrecht [1851-1937], The Gospel According to St. Matthew. The Indian Church Commentaries. Madras: SPCK, 1912. Hbk. pp.720. [Click hereto visit the download page for this title]…