Feast of Absalom

2 Samuel – The Smaller Cambridge Bible for Schools

Today’s free book is a commentary on 2 Samuel in The Smaller Cambridge Bible for Schools series by A.F. Kirkpatrick. My thanks to Book Aid for making this public domain title available for digitisation.

Alexander Francis Kirkpatrick [1849-1940], The Second Book of Samuel. The Smaller Cambridge Bible for Schools. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1889. Hbk. pp.128. [Click here to visit the download page for this title]

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
    1. The Book of Samuel of Samuel
    2. The Relation of the Book of Chronicles to the Book of Samuel
    3. Chronology of the Book
    4. The Reign of David
    5. The Typical Significance of David’s Reign and Life
    6. Psalms illustrative of David’s Reign
  2. Text and Notes
  3. Index

Image: The Feast of Absalom, Niccolò Tornioli, 17th century [Image source: Wikipedia]

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