Martin Hengel, Gentleman and Scholar, dies aged 82

Martin Hengel, Gentleman and Scholar, dies aged 82

The Daily Telegraph carries the obituary of the Professor Martin Hengel who died aged 82 on the 2nd of July 2009. I particularly liked this paragraph: Yet although Hengel was responsible for a radically different approach to the New Testament, his conclusions were always comparatively conservative and reassuring to evangelicals and others seeking confirmation of…

Where were the nail-prints in Jesus’ hands – in his wrists or his palms?

Where were the nail-prints in Jesus’ hands – in his wrists or his palms?

This question was raised last Saturday during a day conference on biblical archaeology at Tyndale House in Cambridge. Put simply the problem was stated as follows: Crucifixion normally involved nailing the victim to a horizontal beam through the wrist between the radius and the ulna (the two bones of the forearm). The nail was then…

“Interpreting the Word of God: FS for Steven Barabas.” One chapter to go on-line – please help to choose which one

One of my supporters kindly sent me a copy of the following book in the hope that I would be able to place one chapter from it on-line:   Samuel J. Schultz & Morris A. Inch, eds., Interpreting the Word of God. Festschift in honor of Steven Barabas. Chicago: Moody Press, 1976. Hbk. pp.281.  …