Blog Interview – Dr Mike Bird – Ridley Melbourne Mission and Ministry College

Blog Interview – Dr Mike Bird – Ridley Melbourne Mission and Ministry College

This week I am interviewing Dr Michael Bird about Ridley Melbourne Mission and Ministry College. Please introduce yourself and your role at Ridley College. I’m Michael Bird and I teach Theology and New Testament at Ridley Melbourne Mission and Ministry College. I’m also the postgraduate coordinator for postgraduate research degrees. Tell us a little about…

Blog Interview – Dr Stan Fowler – Heritage College & Seminary, Canada

My thanks to Dr Stan Fowler who has agreed to be interviewed about Heritage College & Seminary in Canada. 1) Please introduce yourself and your role at Heritage College & Seminary. My name is Stan Fowler, and I serve as Professor of Theological Studies.  I have also served as academic dean of the seminary in…

Alan R. Millard on the Historical Accuracy of Daniel

Alan R. Millard on the Historical Accuracy of Daniel

In 2012 Crossway published an impressive collection of 21 essays defending the historical reliability of the Bible under the title Do Historical Matters Matter to Faith? The publishers have kindly granted permission for Theology on the Web to host Alan Millard’s contribution to that volume, dealing with the accuracy of Daniel’s account of Babylon: Alan R….