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Grace Journal (1960-1973) was the journal of Grace Theological Seminary. It was digitised as part of the Brethren Digital Archives and appears here by permission. The series continued as Grace Theological Journal.

Volume 1 (1960)


Spring 1960

On-line Resource S. Herbert Bess, "The Office Of The Prophet In Old Testament Times," Grace Journal 1.1 (Spring 1960): 7-12.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource James L. Boyer, "The Office Of The Prophet In New Testament Times," Grace Journal 1.1 (Spring 1960): 13-20.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Herman A. Hoyt, "Introduction To The Study Of The New Birth," Grace Journal 1.1 (Spring 1960): 21-24.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Charles M. Horne, "’Let This Mind Be In You’," Grace Journal 1.1 (Spring 1960): 25-33.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Charles C. Ryrie, "Modern Galatianism," Grace Journal 1.2 (Fall 1960): 3-6.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Warren Driver, "The Release Of Homicides From The Cities of Refuge," Grace Journal 1.2 (Fall 1960): 7-22.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource E. William Male, "’Divine Healing ‘ ii According To James 5," Grace Journal 1.2 (Fall 1960): 23-30.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]

Volume 2 (1961)

On-line Resource John Rea, "The Time of the Oppression and the Exodus," Grace Journal 2.1 (Winter 1961): 5-14.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Homer A. Kent, Sr., "Ephratism and Shakerism--False Conceptions of Christian Separation," Grace Journal 2.1 (Winter 1961): 15-22.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Harry Goehring, "The Fall of Babylon--Historical or Future?" Grace Journal 2.1 (Winter 1961): 23-34.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Luther L. Grubb, "Why The Pastorate is Foundational in Christian Service," ," Grace Journal 2.1 (Winter 1961): 35-40.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource John Rea, "New Light on the Wilderness Journey and the Conquest," Grace Journal 2.2 (Spring 1961): 5-13.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Charles M. Horne, "Toward a Biblical Apologetic," Grace Journal 2.2 (Spring 1961): 14-18.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Miles Taber, "Christ - The Message and the Messenger," Grace Journal 2.2 (Spring 1961): 19-37.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource

R. Foster, "Jesus May Come Today William, " Grace Journal 2.3 (Fall 1961): 6-14.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]

On-line Resource Charles C. Ryrie, "Satan Is Counterfeit," Grace Journal 2.3 (Fall 1961): 15-18.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource John P. Burke, "The Identity of the Twenty-Four Elders," Grace Journal 2.3 (Fall 1961): 19-29.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Glenn O’Neal, "The Evangelical Looks at Pastoral Counseling," Grace Journal 2.3 (Fall 1961): 30-36.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]

Volume 3 (1963)

On-line Resource A. Hoyt, "A Christian Philosophy of Education Herman," Grace Journal 3.1 (Winter 1962): 3-7.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Wendell E. Kent, "The Spoiling of Principalities and Powers," Grace Journal 3.1 (Winter 1962): 8-18.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Miles Taber, "Christ --The Method And the Motive," Grace Journal 3.1 (Winter 1962): 19-26.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource John H. Stoll, "Contemporary Theology and the Bible," Grace Journal 3.1 (Winter 1962): 27-32.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Nickolas Kurtaneck, "Excellencies of Dispensationalism," Grace Journal 3.2 (Spring 1962): 3-11.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Richard G. Messner, "Elisha and the Bears," Grace Journal 3.2 (Spring 1962): 12-24.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource James L. Boyer, "Semantics In Biblical Interpretation," Grace Journal 3.2 (Spring 1962): 25-34.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Homer A. Kent, Jr., "The Qumran Community and New Testament Backgrounds," Grace Journal 3.2 (Spring 1962): 35-44.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
3.3 Towards a Christian Philosophy Of Education: The Bauman Memorial Lectures for 1962
On-line Resource

Frank E. Gaebelein, "I. The Need and Nature of a Christian Philosophy of Education," Grace Journal 3.3 (Fall 1963): 3-11.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]

On-line Resource Frank E. Gaebelein, "II. The Major Premise of Christian Education," Grace Journal 3.3 (Fall 1963): 12-18.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Frank E. Gaebelein, "III. The Place of Music In Christian Education," Grace Journal 3.3 (Fall 1963): 19-26.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Frank E. Gaebelein, "IV. Christian Education In Relation To Teacher and Student," Grace Journal 3.3 (Fall 1963): 27-34.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]

Volume 4 (1964)

On-line Resource John C. Whitcomb, Jr., "Biblical Inerrancy and the Double Revelation Theory," Grace Journal 4.1 (Winter 1963): 3-20.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Hobart E. Freeman, "The Problem of the Efficacy of Old Testament Sacrifices," Grace Journal 4.1 (Winter 1963): 21-28.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource John J. Davis, "The Patriarchs· Knowledge of Jehovah," Grace Journal 4.1 (Winter 1963): 29-43.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource William R. Foster, "The Meaning of Biblical History," Grace Journal 4.2 (Spring 1963): 3-8.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Henry M. Morris, "Biblical Catastrophism and Geology," Grace Journal 4.2 (Spring 1963): 9-14.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Edgar J. Lovelady, "The Logos Concept," Grace Journal 4.2 (Spring 1963): 15-24.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Herman A. Hoyt, "The New Testament Doctrine Concerning the Antichrist," Grace Journal 4.2 (Spring 1963): 25-34.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource

Harry A. Sturz, "The Sermon On The Mount and its Application to the Present Age," Grace Journal 4.3 (Fall 1963): 3-15.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]

On-line Resource Bruce L. Button, "The Jew," Grace Journal 4.3 (Fall 1963): 16-27.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Charles L. Zimmerman, "To This Agree the Words of the Prophets"  Grace Journal 4.3 (Fall 1963): 28-40.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]

Volume 5 (1965)

On-line Resource Henry M. Morris, "The Spirit of Compromise," Grace Journal 5.1 (Winter 1964): 3-12.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Nickolas Kurtaneck, "'Accursed From Christ,'" Grace Journal 5.1 (Winter 1964): 13-23.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource David R. Dilling, "The Atonement and Human Sacrifice," Grace Journal 5.1 (Winter 1964): 24-41.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
5.2 God's Message to Man Through the Prophets: The Bauman Memorial Lectures For 1964
On-line Resource Charles L. Feinberg, "I. The Commanding Importance of te Prophetic Scriptures," Grace Journal 5.2 (Spring 1964): 3-9.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Charles L. Feinberg, "II The Prophetic Word and Israel," Grace Journal 5.2 (Spring 1964): 10-15.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Charles L. Feinberg, "III The Prophetic Word and the Nations," Grace Journal 5.2 (Spring 1964): 16-20.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Charles L. Feinberg, "IV. The Prophetic Word and the Church," Grace Journal 5.2 (Spring 1964): 21-24.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource

James R. Renick, "The Development and Transformation of French Protestantism," Grace Journal 5.3 Fall 1964): 3-16.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]

On-line Resource Gary G. Cohen, "Hermeneutical Principles and Creation Theories," Grace Journal 5.3 Fall 1964): 17-29.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource John J. Davis, "Biblical Numerics," Grace Journal 5.3 Fall 1964): 30-44.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]

Volume 6 (1966)

On-line Resource Robert Clouse, "Millennialism in the Seventeenth Century," Grace Journal 6.1 (Winter 1965): 3-15.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Gilbert B. Weaver, "The Doctrine of Revelation and Inspiration in the Old Testament," Grace Journal 6.1 (Winter 1965): 16-28.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource David Dilling, "Christian Philosopher," Grace Journal 6.1 (Winter 1965): 29-39.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Alva J. McClain, "Was Christ Punished For Our Diseases?" Grace Journal 6.2 (Spring 1965): 3-6.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Gary G. Cohen, "The Doctrine of the Sabbath in the Old and New Testaments," Grace Journal 6.2 (Spring 1965): 7-15.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource S. Herbert Bess, "The Term" Son Of God" in the Light of Old Testament Idiom," Grace Journal 6.2 (Spring 1965): 16-23.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource David R. Dilling, "On Standards in Christian Leadership," Grace Journal 6.2 (Spring 1965): 24-26.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource

Herman A. Hoyt,  "The Ecumenical Movement in Present Day Professing Christendom," Grace Journal 6.3 (Fall 1965): 3-10.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]

On-line Resource Robert G. Gromacki, "The Imminent Return of Jesus Christ,"  Grace Journal 6.3 (Fall 1965):  11-23.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Gary G. Cohen, "Some Questions Concerning the New Jerusalem,"  Grace Journal 6.3 (Fall 1965): 24-29.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Gilbert B. Weaver, " A ‘Systematic Theology’ of a ‘Religion Based on Science’  Grace Journal 6.3 (Fall 1965): 30-42.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]

Volume 7 (1967)

On-line Resource Hennan A. Hoyt, "The New Doctrines and the New Dangers," Grace Journal 7.1 (Winter 1966): 3-8.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Donald H. Launstein, "Lives Transformed: an Evidence of Authority," Grace Journal 7.1 (Winter 1966): 9-24.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource William R. Foster, "The Acts of God," Grace Journal 7.1 (Winter 1966): 25-34.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Russell D. Barnard & Clyde K. Landrum, "Foreign Missions in the Brethren Church," Grace Journal 7.2 (Spring 1966): 3-8.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource P. Fredrick Fogle, "The Missionary-Recruiting Church," Grace Journal 7.2 (Spring 1966): 9-15.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Charles R. Taber, "Missions and the Seminary Curriculum," Grace Journal 7.2 (Spring 1966): 16-21.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource J. Paul Dowdy, "The Problem of Missionary Volunteer Drop-Outs," Grace Journal 7.2 (Spring 1966): 22-25.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Thomas Julien, "A Missionary Peace Corps," Grace Journal 7.2 (Spring 1966): 26-31.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Jack B. Churchill, "Facing The Problem of The Missionaries' Children," Grace Journal 7.2 (Spring 1966): 32-37.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Jacob P. Kliever, "Can The Indigenous Principle Be Practically Applied?" Grace Journal 7.2 (Spring 1966): 38-42.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
7.3 The God-Breathed Scripture: The Bauman Memorial Lectures For 1966
On-line Resource

Edward J. Young, "I. Scripture--God Breathed And Profitable," Grace Journal 7.3 (Fall 1966): 3-12.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]

On-line Resource Edward J. Young, "II. What is the God-Breathed Scripture?" Grace Journal 7.3 (Fall 1966): 13-23.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Edward J. Young, "III. The Bible and the Christian Faith," Grace Journal 7.3 (Fall 1966): 24-34.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Edward J. Young, "IV. A Modern View of the Bible," Grace Journal 7.3 (Fall 1966): 35-45.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]

Volume 8 (1968)

On-line Resource Herman A. Hoyt, "A Genuine Christian Non-Conformity," Grace Journal 8.1 (Winter 1967): 3-9.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Thomas A. Thomas, "Christianity and Education," Grace Journal 8.1 (Winter 1967): 10-14.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Kenneth O. Gangel, "Preaching and the Fellowship," Grace Journal 8.1 (Winter 1967): 15-20.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Robert W. Benton, "The Philistines and the Early Kingdom of Israel," Grace Journal 8.1 (Winter 1967): 21-31.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource John C. Whitcomb, Jr., "The Supernaturalism of the Flood," Grace Journal 8.1 (Winter 1967): 32-38.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Alva J. McClain, "The Doctrine of the Kenosis in Philippians 2:5-8," Grace Journal 8.2 (Spring 1967): 3-13.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Herman A. Hoyt, "The Explanation of the New Birth," Grace Journal 8.2 (Spring 1967): 14-21.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Homer A. Kent, Jr., "How We Got Our New Testament," Grace Journal 8.2 (Spring 1967): 22-26.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource John C. Whitcomb, Jr., "The Creation of The Heavens and the Earth," Grace Journal 8.2 (Spring 1967): 27-32.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Paul R. Fink, "The Use and Significance of En Hoi in I Peter," Grace Journal 8.2 (Spring 1967): 33-39.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource John J. Davis, "The Rhetorical Use of Numbers in the Old Testament," Grace Journal 8.2 (Spring 1967): 40-48.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
8.3 Adumbrations of Our Lord's Return: The Bauman Memorial Lectures for 1967 - Part I
On-line Resource

Raymond E. Gingrich, "Ecumenical Theology," Grace Journal 8.3 (Fall 1967): 3-16.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]

On-line Resource Raymond E. Gingrich, "Global Iniquity (To Be Concluded)," Grace Journal 8.3 (Fall 1967): 17-32.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource J. Barton Payne, "'Zechariah Who Perished'," Grace Journal 8.3 (Fall 1967): 33-35.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]

Volume 9 (1969)

9.1 Adumbrations of Our Lord's Return: The Bauman Memorial Lectures For 1967 - Part II
On-line Resource Raymond E. Gingrich, "Political Alignments," Grace Journal 9.1 (Winter 1968): 3-14.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Raymond E. Gingrich, "Atheistic Dynamism," Grace Journal 9.1 (Winter 1968): 15-24.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Elmer B. Smick, "A Business Document From the Time of Abraham," Grace Journal 9.1 (Winter 1968): 25-31.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Charles R. Smith, "The Unfruitful Branches in John 15," Grace Journal 9.2 (Spring 1968): 3-22.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource David R. Dilling, "The Emergence of the Idea of Scientific Historiography," Grace Journal 9.2 (Spring 1968): 23-43.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource W. Harold Mare, "The Smallest Mustard Seed - Matthew 13:32," Grace Journal 9.3 (Fall 1968): 3-11.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource William R. Eichhors, "The Gospel Miracles - Their Nature and Apologetic Value," Grace Journal 9.3 (Fall 1968): 12-23.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource William G. Bellshaw, "The New Testament Doctrine of Satan," Grace Journal 9.3 (Fall 1968): 24-39.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]

Volume 10 (1970)

On-line Resource William R. Eichhorst, "The Issue of Biblical Inerrancy in Definition and Defense," Grace Journal 10.1 (Winter 1969): 3-17.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Kenneth O. Gangel, "Preaching the Resurrection Then and Now," Grace Journal 10.1 (Winter 1969): 18-25.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource W. Harold Mare, "The Greek Altar in the New Testament and Inter-Testamental Periods," Grace Journal 10.1 (Winter 1969): 26-35.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Herman A. Hoyt, "The Frantic Future and the Christian Directive, Acts 1:8," Grace Journal 10.1 (Winter 1969): 36-41.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Martin H. Heicksen, "Tekoa: Excavations in 1968," Grace Journal 10.2 (Winter 1969): 3-10.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Donad F. Carter, "The Military Chaplain: The Framework Within Which He Serves," Grace Journal 10.2 (Winter 1969): 11-18.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Edward E. Hindson, "Development of the Interpretation of Isaiah 7:14: A Tribute To Edward J. Young," Grace Journal 10.2 (Winter 1969): 19-25.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Charles R. Smith, "The New Testament Doctrine of Demons," Grace Journal 10.2 (Winter 1969): 26-42.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Edward E. Hindson, "Isalah's Immanuel," Grace Journal 10.3 (Fall 1969): 3-15.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource William R. Eichhorst, "Ezra's Ethics on Intermarriage and Divorce," Grace Journal 10.3 (Fall 1969): 16-28.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Kenneth O. Gangel, "Pictures of the Church In I Peter," Grace Journal 10.3 (Fall 1969): 29-35.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]

Volume 11 (1971)

On-line Resource W. Harold Mare, "The New Testament Concept Regarding the Regions of Heaven With Emphasis on 2 Corinthians 12:1-4," Grace Journal 11.1 (Winter 1970): 3-12.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Thomas O. Figart, "Saul, The Spiritist, and Samuel," Grace Journal 11.1 (Winter 1970): 13-29.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Renald E. Showers, "New Testament Chronology and the Decree of Daniel," Grace Journal 11.1 (Winter 1970): 30-40.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Vernon Doerksen, "The Interpretation of Parables," Grace Journal 11.2 (Spring 1970): 3-20.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Ralph M. Gade, "Is God Through With The Jew?" Grace Journal 11.2 (Spring 1970): 21-33.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Peter Greenhow, "Did Samuel Sin?" Grace Journal 11.2 (Spring 1970): 34-40.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Forest Weddle, "The Limitations of Archaeology Imposed by Interpretation and Lack of Data," Grace Journal 11.3 (Fall 1970): 3-10.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource W. Harold Mare, "Teacher and Rabbi in the New Testament Period," Grace Journal 11.3 (Fall 1970): 11-21.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Ronald E. Manahan, "The Cyrus Notations of Deutero-Isaiah," Grace Journal 11.3 (Fall 1970): 22-33.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource George M. Harton, "The Meaning of II Kings 3:27," Grace Journal 11.3 (Fall 1970): 34-45.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]

Volume 12 (1972)

On-line Resource Paul Benware, "The Social Responsibility of the Church," Grace Journal 12.1 (Winter 1971): 3-17.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Jack R. Riggs, "The Length of Israel's Sojourn in Egypt," Grace Journal 12.1 (Winter 1971): 18-35.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Elmer Towns, "The Meaning of Heart in the New Testament," Grace Journal 12.1 (Winter 1971): 36-45.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource James R. Battenfield, "Atra-Hasis: A Survey," Grace Journal 12.2 (Spring 1971): 3-22.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource James E. Jennings, "The Problem of the Caphtorim," Grace Journal 12.2 (Spring 1971): 23-45.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource John C. Whitcomb, Jr., "Does God Want Christians To Perform Miracles Today?" Grace Journal 12.3 (Fall 1971): 3-12.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Luther L. Grubb, "The Church Reaching Tomorrow's World," Grace Journal 12.3 (Fall 1971): 13-22.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Luther L. Grubb, "The State of the Church Today," Grace Journal 12.3 (Fall 1971): 23-33.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]

Volume 13 (1973)

On-line Resource Charles L. Zimmerman, "The Chronology and Birth of Jacob's Children by Leah and Her Handmaid," Grace Journal 13.1 (Winter 1972): 3-12.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Luther L. Grubb, "Obstacles Ahead For the Church," Grace Journal 13.1 (Winter 1972): 13-17.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Luther L. Grubb, "What Must The Church Do?" Grace Journal 13.1 (Winter 1972): 18-32.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Gary G. Cohen, "The Passover Plot: Verdict, Not Guilty," Grace Journal 13.1 (Winter 1972): 33-45.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource W. Harold Mare, "The Holy Spirit in the Apostolic Fathers," Grace Journal 13.2 (Spring 1972): 3-12.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource David Jeremiah, "The Principle of Double Fulfillment in Interpreting Prophecy," Grace Journal 13.2 (Spring 1972): 13-29.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Weston W. Fields, "A Modern Parable," Grace Journal 13.2 (Spring 1972): 30-33.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource R. Laird Harris, "The Book of Job and its Doctrine of God," Grace Journal 13.3 (Fall 1972): 3-33.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]

Volume 14 (1974)

On-line Resource Herman A. Hoyt, "The Divine Call to the Ministry of Jesus Christ," Grace Journal 14.1 (Winter 1973): 3-11.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Gilbert B. Weaver, "Tongues Shall Cease," Grace Journal 14.1 (Winter 1973): 12-24.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Marvin L. Goodman, "Non-Literal Interpretations of Genesis Creation," Grace Journal 14.1 (Winter 1973): 25-38.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Herman A. Hoyt, "The Earthborn Problems Confronting the Servant of God," Grace Journal 14.2 (Spring 1973): 3-13.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Cyril J. Barber, "Moses," Grace Journal 14.2 (Spring 1973): 14-28.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Glenn O'Neal, "The Pastor and Christ (Part I Of The Louis S. Bauman Memorial Lectures For 1973)," Grace Journal 14.2 (Spring 1973): 29-35.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Herman A. Hoyt"The Many Compensations For Faithful Christian Service," Grace Journal 14.3 (Fall 1973): 5-13.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource W. Harold Mare, "Guiding Principles For Historical Grammatical Exegesis," Grace Journal 14.3 (Fall 1973): 14-25.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]
On-line Resource Glenn O'Neal, "The Pastor and the Holy Spirit," Grace Journal 14.3 (Fall 1973): 26-32.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced Courtesy of the Brethren Digital Archive]

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