Gospel Perspectives Vol 2 – Your chance to choose an article

18 years ago

Below are the articles from Gospel Perspectives, Vol. 2: Studies of History and tradition in the Four Gospels. Sheffield: JSOT…

D.A. Carson on Christological Ambiguities in Matthew

D.A. Carson on Christological Ambiguities in Matthew

18 years ago

The following article is now available in PDF: D.A. Carson, "Christological Ambiguities in the Gospel of Matthew," Harold Rowden, ed.,…

In Memory of Esther

18 years ago

Esther Jane Bradshaw - stillborn at 28 weeks 30th September 2006, 1lb 1 oz. Esther had Edward's Syndrome, also known…

I. Howard Marshall on “The Kingdom of God”

18 years ago

Howard Marshall provides an excellent summary of a complex subject. This article was originally published in Themelios the article is…

Destination and Purpose of St John’s Gospel by John A T Robinson

18 years ago

One of the most enjoyable aspects of working on biblicalstudies.org.uk is being able to read again material that I found…

The Messianic Idea in the Old Testament

19 years ago

I have just uploaded: H.L. Ellison, The Centrality of the Messianic Idea For the Old Testament. London: The Tyndale Press,…

De Wit’s monograph on the Date and Route of the Exodus on-line

19 years ago

I have just uploaded C. De Wit's 1960 monograph: C. De Wit, The Date And Route of The Exodus. London:…

Papers in Honour of Alan Millard – Table of Contents

19 years ago

The Festschrift for Professor Alan R. Millard has just been published. Many thanks to Becca Vaughan-Williams of T. & T.…

Responding to Gail Riplinger on King James Onlyism

19 years ago

I was recently given a copy of New Age Bible Versions by Home Economics lecturer Gail Riplinger. It is sad…

John H Stek on the Literary Artistry of Judges Chapter 4

19 years ago

Thanks to the kind permission of Moody Press I have just uploaded John H. Stek's fascinating article in PDF format:…