Biblical Studies

Just published: Unity in the Book of Isaiah, edited by Rossi, Irudayaraj & Hens-Piazza

Just published: Unity in the Book of Isaiah, edited by Rossi, Irudayaraj & Hens-Piazza

I have always been fascinated by the arguments for and against the unity of the book of Isaiah, which many…

4 months ago

Gospel of Matthew – H.U. Weitbrecht – Indian Church Commentary

Today's free book is Herbert Udny Weitbrecht's commentary on the Gospel of Matthew, part of The Indian Church Commentary Series.…

6 months ago

Ninety Years of Baptist Quarterly Articles Updated

Just over 10 years ago I completed the digitisation of the Transactions of the Baptist Historical Society (1908-1921) and its…

11 months ago

22 Years of – Time for Some Maintenance was launched in September 2001 and has grown steadily to over 1,480 pages, hosting over 50,000 theological articles and…

11 months ago

Daniel and His Prophecies – Charles H.H. Wright

Today's free book is Charles H.H. Wright's commentary on the book of Daniel. This public domain title was digitised using…

1 year ago

Theology on the Web Data Storage Appeal

Over the last year Theology on the Web has scanned hundreds of books and thousands of articles using a high-resolution…

1 year ago

Life and Character of Hezekiah by William Nicholson

Today's free book is a series on six lectures, originally delivered in 1839, on the life and character of King…

1 year ago

Churchman 2011 – 2017 now available online

The Church Society have kindly provided pdfs of Vols. 125-131 (2011-2017) of Churchman journal, which are now available for free…

1 year ago

Jerusalem Under the High-Priests by Edwyn Bevan

Today's free book is a series of five lectures by Edwyn Bevan. Bevan was a lecturer in Hellenistic History and…

1 year ago

Handbook of Biblical Difficulties by Robert Tuck

Today's free book is Robert Tuck's Handbook of Bible Difficulties. It would be an interesting project to compare Tuck's solutions…

2 years ago