
Daniel and His Prophecies – Charles H.H. Wright

Daniel and His Prophecies – Charles H.H. Wright

Today's free book is Charles H.H. Wright's commentary on the book of Daniel. This public domain title was digitised using…

1 year ago

Commentary on Daniel by R H Charles

Today's free book is R H Charles Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Book of Daniel. This public domain was…

3 years ago

Old Testament Criticism. Donnellan Lectures 1912-13

Today's free book is Andrew Craig Robinson's six lectures on Old Testament Criticism delivered at the University of Dublin. Subjects…

3 years ago

Critical Commentary on Daniel by J Dyneley Price

Today's free commentary is J Dyneley Prince's Commentary on the Book of Daniel, which summarises the conclusions of the Higher…

4 years ago

Short Commentary on Daniel by A.A. Bevan

One cannot avoid the conclusion that the students for whom A.A. Bevan wrote his Short Commentary on the Book of…

4 years ago

Book of Daniel and the Qumran Community by F.F. Bruce

I came across this hard-to-find article y F.F. Bruce on Daniel and the Dead Sea Scrolls in the Library at…

4 years ago

Resources on the Book of Daniel

In addition to its extensive collection of theological journals BiblicalStudies.org.uk offers detailed bibliographies on every book of the Bible. These are…

8 years ago

Notes on Some Problems in the Book of Daniel

Notes on Some Problems in the Book of Daniel was one of the first collections of articles that I placed…

8 years ago

Alan R. Millard on the Historical Accuracy of Daniel

In 2012 Crossway published an impressive collection of 21 essays defending the historical reliability of the Bible under the title…

10 years ago

Leon Morris on Apocalyptic

The following book is now available on-line in PDF: Leon Morris, Apocalyptic, 2nd edn. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans / Leicester: IVP,…

17 years ago