Theology on thr Web NewsOver the Christmas holiday I have evaluating how best to spend my time on Website development and have decided on the following plans for 2015 (in no particular order):

Plans for 2015

1) Addition of at least one free-to-download commentary on each book of the Bible

Looking at my visitor logs for 2014 I was clear that the most popular downloads were of commentaries. During 2015 I will be trying to find more public domain works that still have value to the biblical exegete and make them available via the website.

2) Digitisation of a Kymer/English Theological Journal

Continuing in my commitment to make international Biblical Scholarship available I am very pleased to announce that I have received permission to digitise Honeycomb – a Kymer-English journal from Cambodia. I am looking forward to making this available – hopefully by Easter.

3) Continuing the digitisation of public domain materials from long-running theological journals

A number of theological journals have been published for so long that much of their older material is now in the public domain. These include:

Bulletin of the John Rylands Library

Journal of Theological Studies (old series)

Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute

Palestine Exploration Quarterly

4) New Public Domain Material

As of 1st January for those publications covered by the “70-year from death of author” copyright term, those works by authors who died during 1944 and before have entered the public domain. I will be therefore working through my sites and making this material available. These include works by:

James Moffatt [1870-1944]

Robert Martin Pope [1865-1944]

Thomas Banks Strong [1861-1944]

Visitor numbers to the websites continue to climb, and are expected to exceed 2 million  this year. I would like to take this opportunity to thank my readers for their ongoing support and encouragement.


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