Blog Interview – Dr Ardel Caneday – University of Northwestern – St. Paul

Blog Interview – Dr Ardel Caneday – University of Northwestern – St. Paul

10 years ago

1) Please introduce yourself and your role at University of Northwestern—St. Paul (UNW). My name is Ardel Caneday, PhD. My…

Christian Brethren Research Journals now on-line

10 years ago

Over the last couple of months I have been working with members of the Brethren Archivists and Historians Network and Partnership UK to place…

Blog Interview – Dr. Walter C. Kaiser, Jr. – Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary

10 years ago

This week we go the United States for the next in our series of interviews about theological training around the…

Complete Works of Rev John Lightfoot on-line

10 years ago

Rev. John Lightfoot [1602-1675] The good folks at Tyndale House have provided me with scans of the entire 13 volumes of…

Blog Interview – Dr Rick Walston – Columbia Evangelical Seminary

10 years ago

This week we travel to the United States to learn about a college that is quite different to those that…

Blog Interview – William Badke – Trinity Western University, Canada

10 years ago

This week we return again to Canada and interview William Badke about Trinity Western University in Langley, British Columbia. 1)…

Blog Interview – Dr Mike Bird – Ridley Melbourne Mission and Ministry College

10 years ago

This week I am interviewing Dr Michael Bird about Ridley Melbourne Mission and Ministry College. Please introduce yourself and your…

How to Access Bible Commentaries Without a Library

10 years ago

Dr Tim Bulkeley has produced a very helpful video tutorial on how to use Google Books to access the latest…

Blog Interview – Dr Stan Fowler – Heritage College & Seminary, Canada

10 years ago

My thanks to Dr Stan Fowler who has agreed to be interviewed about Heritage College & Seminary in Canada. 1)…

Alan R. Millard on the Historical Accuracy of Daniel

10 years ago

In 2012 Crossway published an impressive collection of 21 essays defending the historical reliability of the Bible under the title…