12 Days of Christmas Quiz – Day 7

Scripture Enigma No. 2

1. It is better than gold and rubies; it was given specially to one royal personage; it has its dwelling-place with the lowly; and men are encouraged to pray for it.
2. A tree to which the Jews were compared. To the same tree in its wild state the Gentiles were afterwards likened.
3. This it is which exalteth a nation. A town in which there was a street called Straight.
4. Because of this virtue special blessings were promised to the descendants of Jonadab the son of Rechab.
5. The figure by which Christ’s cleansing from sin is indicated in the prophecy of Zechariah.
6. Of two women thus employed, one shall be taken and the other left.
7. A mark of respect paid, in Joseph’s dream, to his sheaf by the sheaves of his brothers; and afterwards actually paid to him by them.
8. The name by which the chief priests and Pharisees spoke of Christ when they asked. Pilate to secure His sepulchre.

The, initials form a name given to the Saviour in the Revelation, when represented as clothed in a vesture dipped in blood; and also used in the gospel and epistle of the same author the finals give a title by which Malachi prophesies the coming of Christ and that of John the Baptist.

Answer tomorrow in the comments.

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One Comment

  1. Answer to Scripture Enigma No. 2

    1. W isdo M ….. Prov. xvi. 16; viii. 11; 1 Kings iv. 29; Prov. xi. 2; James i. 5.
    2. O live E ….. Jer. xi. 16; Rom. vi. 17.
    3. R ighteousnes S ….. Prov. xiii. 31.
    4. D amascu S ….. Acts ix. 11.
    5. O bedienc E ….. Jer. xxxv. 18, 19.
    6. F ountai N ….. Zech. xiii. 1.
    7. G rinding G ….. Matt. xxiv. 41.
    8. O beisance E ….. 2Gen. xxxvii. 7; xliii. 28.
    9. D eceive R ….. Matt. xxvii. 63.

    Word of God ….. Rev. xix. 13; John i. 1; 1 John v. 7.
    Messenger ….. Malachi iii. 1.

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